Dear Ones,
January has been a very wet month in California!! Fortunately the rains are making a significant impact on the drought conditions in the state, despite flooding and mudslides in some areas.
At Windermere all is well. The land is lush and green The animals and humans are doing great.
This month we have more beautiful photos by Leigh Merrihew of the Upper Orchard, with the quality of Gratitude.
Also for your enjoyment, here is a wonderful article written by Robert Zack, who visited the ranch this month:
My Journey - Windermere, January 2017
I arrived on a nice January evening to a full moon and strong winds. I noticed how alive the ranch had become from the rains; the sweet smell of spring was blowing all around me. Although temperatures were quite cool, it was 12 degrees in NY when I left!
I felt inside I was bringing sunshine, as there have been rivers of Rain throughout California! So Bobby Sunshine is in the house! I opened the door to the Garden House and felt a warm inviting energy greet me. Upon putting the stores of food away for my long weekend, I saw a greeting from Mary Joi Love with fresh eggs for the morning meal!
My inner clock is East Coast, so 3 am became SE time for me as my worship was indeed very adventurous. The Ranch is an extraordinary space for Spiritual awareness.
Afterward, around 6:30 am, I found myself enjoying the dawn. The greener Windermere has transformed herself to Springtime in January. I always felt a pull to visit in January to experience this magical time.
I visited the trails, and contemplated the many beautiful vistas along the way as I headed towards the barn. My wonderment and enthusiasm began to build as I felt in awe of God's Blessings present upon our Lands.
As I approached the barn I heard the sounds of a variety of teeming life... goats, chickens, humans, dogs, and a Donkey, oh my! As I strolled along the path towards Quelin with George, and Mary Joi, we found ourselves greeting the sheep and baby lambs with their guardians Vallentino, the Majestic Prince of Lamas, and Bully, the Wise Steer, representing the quality of determination. Feeling Bully's great presence was delightful, as were the energies of Val and the sheep!
Being a longtime contributor has had great benefits for me, and I encourage anyone and everyone to contribute the way they are called to be part of this great place of PEACE for our planet. I feel greatest Gratitude for the Travelers, J-R and John, for helping me be a part of what we have here. These values are truly contemplated by my Soul with a simple walk on the land as I am in communion with God's kingdom of Nature.
The love is abounding as my heart is pumping pure LOVING! JOY! PEACE! Thank you John-Roger and John Morton for supporting me in all that I do and all that I am,
Robert Zack
Wishing you blessings of Peace and Joy for the New Year.
With loving,
Lynn, for all of us at the Ranch
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