Dear Ones,
February has been another very wet month for us, with LOTS of rain. The ponds are full and overflowing, and Windermere is gorgeous, with abundant new growth and lush greenery! The ranch has received 40 inches of rain this water year, which is 167% of normal precipitation for this date.
We were blessed with another visit from Robert Zack this month, who took beautiful photos of the land, and shared a wonderful story with us:
"The early part of February began with mild weather, and soon long rainy days were upon us at the ranch. Skies began with red tones as weather rolled in from our South! Rivers of Rain were forecast, and we had days upon days of rain, wind, and misty fog rolling over us from the ocean.
On one such morning, during a break when it had stopped raining, a cool mist was racing up the canyons. Yet on the high side of Windermere a fog clung unto the rocky hills. I heard inside to go out by the high rocks by the Peace Pole. And behold I heard a baby crying for its herd! Looking up the craggy rocks and steep slope, I saw Gabrielle, one of our baby goats. She was calling for help, as she had lost her way and had become separated from the herd.
I called for her excitedly, yet in a calm tone, to come to me and we would find the herd. She carefully, with sure footing, descended her high perch and found herself alongside me. I reassured her we would find her companions.
We took a look around to see if there were any fresh tracks, yet with the rains it was hard to tell. So we trusted Spirit, and together found ourselves on a journey to reunite ourselves with the herd. Shortly afterwards, we found we had an escort -- Joker the donkey and Bully the mini steer stayed right with us as we followed the path to the lower property. And with much joy Gabrielle was with her fellow goats in no time!!"
Matt VanFossan is leading a Peace Walk at Windermere on March 25.
“Would you like to connect with the beauty of Windermere in the springtime along with other Peace-loving Souls? If so, join us for a gathering of Peacemakers. We’ll share our intentions to experience peace, walk and bless the land, and enjoy fellowship and fun. I’ll be waiting for you at Windermere along with Joker the donkey, Bully the steer, and — oh yeah, Achilles!!"
Wishing you blessings of Peace from Windermere.
with loving,
Lynn, for all of us at the Ranch.
P.D: Las cartas y diversas actualizaciones ahora están disponibles en español! Favor de enviarme un e-mail, si deseas recibirlos en español.
When: Saturday, March 25 from 11:00am - 1pm
Bring a dish to share for a delicious outdoor potluck afterwards!
Contact me, Matthew VanFossan, for more information and to RSVP:
(415) 444-6053