Windermere Peace Fund — IIWP

The Windermere Peace Fund

Spirit itself lives in the inner consciousness.
Its voice rings in the stillness of your heart.
Its movement is in the perfect stillness within.
Its greatest expression is in the peace and loving
that reside at the core of your beingness.

John-Roger, DSS

The Windermere Peace Fund is established to ensure that the principles of the peace taught by John-Roger are available to future generations.   The four principles that build a foundation for choosing peace as an individual and functioning as a peacemaker in the world are:

* Peace is present
* Peace is an inner process
* Peace is the Cessation of Againstness
* Peace is a choice, available regardless of any conditions

The Windermere Peace Fund mission is to support Windermere ranch, a place of peace, and to preserve and share the teachings of peace through the Peace is Present Foundation, also known as the Institute for Individual and World Peace.   Donations to the fund are invested so that they may grow, with a portion of the fund used to support its mission.

Click on the Donate button to make a one-time gift to the Windermere Peace Fund (Peace is Present Foundation).

Contact us if you would like to contribute or learn more:
Phone: (323) 328.1950

How do we find peace? Peace isn't lost. It is we who have lost our way back to our home. The way to return home is, first, by committing to do just that. Second, by doing what it takes as individuals and as a group to awaken others and ourselves to our divine heritage, which is peace. And third, by expressing peace with ourselves, our neighbors, our colleagues, our nations, and our world.

John-Roger, DSS