Dear Ranchers of Peace,
One of the golden nuggets of wisdom we practice and share at IIWP is moving from issue to process. It might look like going from the contraction of, “I don’t like ____,” to the gentle, intentional expansion of, “I’m choosing loving in this moment.” Getting out of being stuck and back into movement takes vulnerability, not as a weakness but as a strength, a willingness and openness to see truth or try a new approach.
Like peeling layers of an onion, it may take a while, but for me, eventually, I see how my or others’ actions that I previously found disturbing were simply a call for love and understanding. Acceptance and forgiveness comes easily at that point, and just like that, I’m back in movement.
Speaking of which, we’ve been in an active process at Windermere for a while now. In the past few months, we set up a beautiful gazebo near the labyrinth. It's a great place to take in the serenity, have a rest, and maybe even enjoy the best Rest Of Your Life.
We’ve also been making great progress on the Windermere Garden 3.0 with our resident green thumbs, David and Ashley, leading the charge. We’ll keep you posted on that and will have plenty of opportunities for you to be involved.
And lastly, please join us in welcoming Treble to our dairy goat herd. Treble and his Momma, Melody (of the twins Milly and Melly) are home, resting, and doing great. He’s affectionately called “The little, little, tiny baby” by at least one of the children at the ranch.
Let us know if you’d like to come walk the labyrinth, visit the healing Quelin Rocks, meet Treble, help out with the garden or other ranch projects, or something else!
Scenic views at Windermere Ranch. Enjoy these photos and videos from Milo, LeiLani, and ranch guests.
We love you. God bless you. Peace, be still,
Milo and LeiLani for Windermere Ranch
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Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
3500 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
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