Dear Ranchers of Peace,
We had a sweet April up at the ranch, although it came with an unexpected change.
Our friend Valentino, the kissing Llama of Windermere, came to the end of his journey. He was an amazing presence on the ranch with his kindness, steadiness, and strong opinions.
He loved to stand on the tops of ridges creating majestic silhouettes of himself against the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean. We love and miss you, Val, and wish you all the alfalfa and carrots your heart desires in your next life, assuming, of course, that you still love alfalfa and carrots.
In Loving Memory of Valentino
We have all experienced moments of peace and joy in our lives. Perhaps now it is time to express that peace more often than in just those precious moments. Maybe the time has come to move into the inner awareness of peace - not for just a moment here and there, but every day, every hour, every minute - and then to give the peace away by sharing it with others.
-John-Roger, DSS
In happier news, LeiLani and Milo got hitched! A few hours before the wedding, thick fog rolled in. One guest described her experience:
Driving through clouds on the way up the mountain to your wedding, feelings of happiness kept growing. By the time we got to the barn our hearts were wide open. The magical energies you’d brought forward embraced us all with joy. Then we sat down, basking among soft clouds as tiny moisture droplets here and there seemed to kiss our cheeks and leave sparkling crystals in your nephews’ hair … as we waited with the devas.
As you stood together under the flower-entwined bower, the great canopy of trees seemed to pour Nature’s loving blessings upon you … also enfolding those of us blessed to witness and hold the Light. And by your sides were The Traveler and his bride. There was so much loving energy that permeated everything. And when the sun brilliantly broke through the clouds, flooding the tree cathedral with joyous Light, it was as if Heaven, Itself, was acknowledging the blessings of Spirit being poured upon you
Thank you for your support, love and blessings as we embark on this next phase of our journey.
Photos & Videos
Scenic views at Windermere Ranch. Enjoy these photos and videos from Milo, LeiLani, and ranch guests.
We love you. God bless you. Peace, be still,
Milo and LeiLani for Windermere Ranch
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Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
3500 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
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