September 2021


Dear Ranchers of Peace,

We’re looking forward to having a picnic on the ranch October 31! It will be a gentle and sweet half-day with a labyrinth blessing and Q&A with John Morton. We have limited capacity on the ranch, and it’s filling quickly. If you’re interested in attending in person, register here.

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Our beloved friend and IIWP supporter, David Gershenson, has been spearheading a fundraiser to build a playground at Windermere. His enthusiasm and mastery at promotion has created quite a stir and momentum is building. Not only have we raised a significant proportion of the necessary funds, but we also have had some incredible designers step forward to help manifest this. Stay tuned for more!

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In other news, friends of the ranch donated a greenhouse to Windermere and are helping us set it up! We’re looking forward to growing herbs, seedling starters and delicious produce. The greenhouse now sits under Buddha Rock’s watchful eye.

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In July, volunteers packed and mailed out Adopt-A-Quality certificates to our donors. If you asked for a certificate, but haven’t received one, please let us know!

Stay tuned for a Windermere picnic, labyrinth blessing and Q&A with John Morton at Windermere on October 31, God willing.

Stay tuned for a Windermere picnic, labyrinth blessing and Q&A with John Morton at Windermere on October 31, God willing.


Photos & Videos

Scenic views at Windermere Ranch. Enjoy these photos and videos from Milo, LeiLani, and ranch guests.

We love you. God bless you. Peace, be still,
Milo and LeiLani for Windermere Ranch

Nota: Las cartas y diversas actualizaciones ahora están disponibles en español! Favor de enviarme un email, si deseas recibirlos en español.

Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP) 
3500 W Adams Blvd 
Los Angeles, CA 90018 

Copyright © 2020 Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP), All rights reserved You are receiving this email as a thank you to our donors for the Adopt-A-Quality Program.