Dear Ranchers of Peace,
We received an outpouring of support for the upcoming labyrinth work party on Leap Day. Fun! As of now, the work party is full, but please reach out if you want to assist. We can add you to the waitlist for this work party and also put you on the top of the list for future events. For those of you signed up already, we’ll be sending out an email by Sunday, Feb 9 confirming your spot.
We picked up 4,700 pounds of flagstone and many tons of materials for the foundation, which means the labyrinth construction is officially underway. We rented a large dump truck that can haul up to 18 tons of rock, and Milo happily pulled on his Farmer John britches and donned a trucker hat for a couple of days. If you check out the photos and videos in the link this month, you'll see that Lani helped operate the truck, too.
Speaking of the link to the photos and videos, each album is made new each month with recent moments captured by us or guests. Check them out! All the photos included in these emails are pulled from the current month's album. If you think you can take some great pictures of the ranch, bring your camera and come on up! We'd love to see them.
As a reminder, we love having IIWP donors visiting Windermere. For those close by, it’s a beautiful place for a peaceful hike with friends, meditation, relaxation, or volunteering opportunities such as fencing, equipment repair and painting. The weather can vary quite a bit throughout the day, so bring layers with you.
We look forward to updating you with photos and videos of the labyrinth as it progresses.
Want to assist in other ways?
Photos & Videos!
Behind the scenes and scenic views at Windermere Ranch. Enjoy these photos and videos from Milo and LeiLani.
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In gratitude,
Milo & LeiLani
Nota: Las cartas y diversas actualizaciones ahora están disponibles en español! Favor de enviarme un email, si deseas recibirlos en español.
Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
3500 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Copyright © 2020 Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP), All rights reserved You are receiving this email as a thank you to our donors for the Adopt-A-Quality Program.