Dear friends,
Woohoo! Thanks to your generous donations, we reached our $5,000 fundraising target for building a meditation labyrinth! We plan to have a work party to install this in February or March. In addition to laborers to install the stone (no experience necessary), we’re looking for cooks and maybe even musicians for our evening meal. We intend to have the details for how to sign up in the December newsletter. We’re going for fun, productive, heartfelt and Light-filled.
This holiday season, we’re feeling the gratitude. We’re grateful to be caretakers of this beautiful property, this place of peace. The weather has been lovely. “Lovely?!” you might ask if you’ve been reading the news. Yeah, we had the occasional snowstorm, fire, mandatory evacuation, cool weather, and lots of rain, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. As J-R says, peace is a choice available regardless of any conditions. That’s our experience, too.
We’ve been working on a blueprint to have Windermere thriving again, and at the center of that plan is community involvement. One of the early steps is fixing up our two guest houses so that you feel comfortable and welcome when you stay here. They could use a major overhaul. Our vision is to have quality appliances, clean, functional kitchens, comfortable living rooms and bedrooms, etc. If we had $5,000, we could update appliances. With $50,000, we could do full-scale renovations on one of the guest houses. With $300,000, we could fix up the guest houses and begin breaking ground on a new organic, biodiverse, community-based, agricultural venture that could support Windermere for generations. With a million dollars, we could do all of that, hire more staff, bring back horses, and…?
One step at a time. Our intention is to stay flexible and cooperate with whatever is for the Highest Good of all concerned. During this holiday season, please consider donating to IIWP to support Windermere. Every dollar counts.
We love sharing current photos of the beauty of this place with you all. To improve that system, we’d like to put out a call for a volunteer to manage our photos and videos of the ranch. Your job would be to manage a cloud-based (such as Google Photos) gallery of photos from guests and ranch staff each month. We’d also like this person to work with us to pick a subset of those to send with the newsletter each month and to help put this newsletter together.
While we’re asking for help, we’d also like a volunteer who would be interested in compiling these photos and short videos into a 3-5 minute medley. Wouldn’t that be a fun way to share what's happening at Windermere each month?
If you'd like to learn more about volunteering with us, email or simply reply to this email.
Photos & Videos!
Behind the scenes and scenic views at Windermere Ranch. Enjoy these photos and videos from Milo and LeiLani.
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Photos Courtesy of Laurie Lerner
Many blessings,
Milo & LeiLani
Nota: Las cartas y diversas actualizaciones ahora están disponibles en español! Favor de enviarme un email, si deseas recibirlos en español.
Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP)
3500 W Adams Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Copyright © 2019 Institute for Individual and World Peace (IIWP), All rights reserved You are receiving this email as a thank you to our donors for the Adopt-A-Quality Program.