Dear Ones,
There is excitement in the air as we gear up for our Annual Conference in July. People come from all over the world, and some of them love to visit Windermere while they're in California. We're expecting guests before and after Conference, and Dave Wright will be leading his famous tours of Windermere after Conference.
The days have been long and warm as we head into summer at the ranch. The hillsides are now golden, adorned by occasional stands of lovely wildflowers.
Here is a wonderful article written by Dave Wright, who will be leading the tours at Windermere over the Fourth of July:
"If you were to ask me what to do on the Fourth of July I would say Windermere! You know, the ranch. Independence of the Spirit! I suppose that's a bit redundant. :) But then, celebrating the Independence of who we are in Spirit under the soaring skies above Quelin Rocks seems like a cool idea to me.
"In fact, (here's the pitch), I'll be at the ranch on the Fourth of July to make myself available to show people around who want to be shown around. It's a tour of sorts, but more of a chance for some neat people to be together on the mountain that seems to drop out of the sky, just far enough to still float above the Pacific Ocean and the Channel Islands beyond. To experience the Independence of the breeze that works its way up the hillsides, to slip through the towering branches of the old oak trees that adorn the ranch, and whisper a melody that only those that choose to hear and those that enjoy In and Out Burger can hear. Okay, everybody. :)
"We'll have some time to see stuff and talk and laugh a lot. And we'll have some time to be alone if you want to get a chance to let the ranch be with you. I've always found that if I choose to be with the ranch, the ranch chooses back. And that is really nice. May the ranch be with you! I just thought of that and I thought it would be fun to write it. So, come on up and celebrate our Independence on whatever level it shows up.
"It might be hot, so bring a hat (two if you want to share or if you have two heads) and even a small umbrella. A water spritzer works so well you'll be really popular if you're the only one that brings one. Good walking shoes make for a stroll free (independent?) of things like foxtails (little sharp knifey bits of the yellow grass that bends so sweetly in the breeze while it pokes your toes with startling scratchiness).
"I'll also be at the ranch on Monday (7/3) and Wednesday (7/5) too for those of you that want to beat the crowd and those of you that are a bit behind the curve. :) Also, I'll be around too if you're on the swing shift of travel and want to come to the ranch late in the day on the Fourth. The deck in front of the Bunk House or Quelin Rocks are both amazing places to watch the lights of Santa Barbara pop on after twilight, followed by several fireworks shows. How often do you get to look DOWN at fireworks! What a country! What a ranch! Windermere. A place of loving Independence - every day! Blessings, Dave Wright"
Wishing you blessings of Peace from Windermere.
with loving,
Lynn, for all of us at the Ranch.