Sharings from IIWP Worldwide Peace Prayer Participants


Hello Dear Peacemakers, 

Thank you so much for participating in and sharing your experiences with the Worldwide Peace Prayers sponsored bythe Institute for Individual and World Peace. Your presence with us touches our hearts and we are inspired by your contributions:

What is your intention for participating in the peace prayer?

My intention is to connect to the Peace process with my Self. My experience has been marvelous when I feel the peace that is present within. To be able to send Light to others, to the planet and to the Universe is expanding the peace in me. I also experience gratitude, compassion, empathy, acceptance and love for me and around me. (María Isabel, South America) 

Inner peace first and definitely world Peace (Jean, South Africa)

To be more at peace and be an instrument for peace out in the world. (Claudia, United States)

From previous Peace Prayer sessions I have benefitted so much from coming back to the basic reality that the precious present in accepting Love is complete. The reminders are very valuable to me and the new inspiration. (Jane, Netherlands)

Selfishly, I want to get involve and have the blessing of such a huge prayer. Second of all, I do really want to help 'heal' the world, the earth, because love is the answer for sure. (Lehita, South America)

How did the prayer make a difference in your life? Please share what you learned or discovered about your own process toward peace.

Simply saying the prayers, keep me in the Present moment and that's all there is. The prayer makes a difference in keeping me AWARE and AWAKE during my waking hours and that has changed my Life dramatically. (Jean, South Africa)

Having the focus of peace helped me to see how easy it can be to bring peace to my life. I find myself in the quiet moments gaining awareness of areas in my life and how I can do things differently, and how peaceful it is when I acknowledge and act on being of loving service. (Claudia, United States)

I am empathic and as a consequence I can easily resonate with people...I notice now that I can more easily repeating I love you, god bless you, peace be still as a reminder....I can be angry and irritated and not look for the is in me...and it passes through....I love this opportunity...thank you for providing this...I am more and more present and authentic in my life...wanting others to experience this capacity for peace which is I think at the heart and soul of being human...I noticed more peace around me and if people come to me angry they calm down as they share...I like the process and can think of nothing you might add. (Peg, United States)

The prayer is a pillar that brings me to the core of my life and my purpose to Love - myself and all around me. (Jane, Netherlands)

I enjoy taking a break from my day and coming into the stillness and sacredness that the peace prayer brings. In this space of quiet I can see more clearly the patterns of control I've got running which work against my deeper experience of peace. Learning to love myself and the creation just as it is, that's the endless journey I'm on. (Matt, United States)

When I do it, and I know that we are all doing it, I do feel incredibly blessed to be part on this movement. I truly feel like a chosen child by God. It's a feeling that makes me feel the grace and power of God. It keeps me on the right track, meaning during the day, I often think "will God be proud of me of making one decision instead of another one". (Lehita, South America)

As a minister for many years, when I receive e-mail peace prayer it is a reminder to me of the Love inside me and know that the loving energy is everywhere. I feel connected. Reading peace prayer is a reminder that I am loved and so is the world. Also John Roger taught me this. Your unconditional service is a blessing to all and me. (Brooke, United States)

Yes, Peace Prayers is showing me how LOVE is important. And most important is sharing this marvellous experience. May GOD BLESS all of you. Thank you so much. (Ghislaine, South America)

I acknowledge and thank God for this community of peacemakers and offer my loving energy in service to peace on earth. (Lesley, United States).

The next round of Peace Prayer sponsored by the Institute for Individual and World Peace begins on December 4, 2016 and will run through January 5, 2017. 

We encourage you to continue sharing the prayer with your communities, your families, friends, coworkers and neighbors and inviting them to participate with us by subscribing to the next round of the IIWP Worldwide Peace Prayer at:

We love you,
God bless you.
Peace, be still.