One Accord Workshop Series
These special workshops are presented so that participants can have a tangible experience of peace and discover practical ways to become peacemakers in their daily lives.
Finding Peace in Today's World
(Intro Workshop - 2 - 3 Hrs)
"The most important thing you can do to experience peace is to cease doing againstness."
-John-Roger, IIWP Founder
In two to three hours, participants enjoy an introduction to the "Finding Peace in Today's World." The workshop provides the opportunity to experience peace inside and use simple principles for bringing greater peace into your daily life. Participants will:
- Look at what peace is and what it is that disturbs your innate sense of peace.
- Discover practical tools for bringing more peace into your life today.
- Have an awareness and experience of how you can choose peace regardless of what others are doing.
Peacemaker Meetings
(Intro Workshop - 1 1/2Hrs)
"To find the peace within, it's often necessary to be quiet so that you can hear the inner voice of love."
-John-Roger, IIWP Founder
IIWP invites you to a beautiful gathering on peace. This event is an opportunity to come together with other peacemakers with a focus on peace, through meditation, a Worldwide Peace Prayer, group sharing, and more. Participants will:
- Explore how to come present to the peace that is always available inside of you.
- Become more aware of the qualities of peace already within you.
- Share with other peacemakers based on simple and poignant peace quotes from John-Roger's book Loving Each Day for Peacemakers..
IIWP also offers youth workshops and weekend workshops on peace upon request. For more information, please email: